Meyer Sound 2 day Fundamentals of System Design, Implementation, and Optimisation Seminar.
This seminar encompasses a variety of topics in sound system applications. Practical information on system design and application is presented in a real-world context to provide useful background. Theory and practice of line arrays are discussed, along with the tools for system optimisation, including equalisation, delay, loudspeaker management systems and measurement with the SIM 3 audio analyser. The seminar will also discuss and demonstrate important concepts pertaining to the use of subwoofers and methods of deployment that obtain optimal coverage and directivity characteristics. Completion of this course qualities attendees for 6 Infocomm Certified Technology renewal units.
Mauricio Ramírez
Senior Technical Seminar Instructor
Mauricio “Magu” Ramírez, Meyer Sound’s first full-time seminar instructor, is known on both sides of the Atlantic for his wealth of technical expertise and his engaging instructional style. Prior to his career in audio engineering, he earned a degree in computer management in his native Mexico. After working with several sound rental companies and artists, he applied his experiences to form a study program for training professionals in sound reinforcement. Currently he conducts seminars throughout Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Gavin Canaan
Educational Programs Manager
Gavin Canaan’s career at Meyer Sound began with six years as a service representative before he moved on to sound rental company Pro Media/Ultra Sound for a five-year stint as their operations manager. Canaan returned to Meyer Sound in 2004 to serve as chief administrator of an expanding, worldwide educational effort that continues to set the standard for the professional audio industry. With broad experience at both the factory and user ends of the industry, Canaan is well equipped to grasp the importance of providing a thorough grounding in technology and a clear understanding of each product’s capabilities in complex sound reinforcement systems.
Tags: events, live sound, Meyer Sound, windmill lane studios